The word NIF (TIN) is the abbreviation for “Tax Identification Number”, commonly also called the Taxpayer Number. In other words, it is a sequential number intended exclusively for the treatment of tax and customs information.

To obtain the NIF, both foreigners and nationals who do not live in Portugal (live in a Third State), they need a tax representative.

This representative must necessarily be a legal or national resident Portuguese who lives in Portugal.

In quick translation, the NIF is the document that will contain all tax and financial information directly linked to the AT – Tax and Customs Authority (Finance).


First of all you should think about who your Tax Representative may be in Portugal. This Tax Representative will be responsible for fulfilling the taxpayer's tax obligations (such as income tax returns, for example, if applicable) and the payment of fines if the represented does not make the necessary declarations.

If you don't have a representative, or don't know who it might be, rest assured, we will do it for you!

We at NIF Online.pt are the representative of our customers.

For the attribution of the NIF, the Finance system does not recognize Portugal as the address, unless the applicant lives legally in the country. Therefore, you must complete the form and send proof of residence from the country of origin or the country where you live, except Portugal.


As long as you place and complete one order at a time. In addition, each form must be completed with the name of the applicant for the occasion. The same applicant will act by power of attorney, except in cases of representation (minor or incapable).


For this purpose, you must select the option “Application NIF under 18 years old or incapable”. Therefore, you must fill in the first part of the form with the applicant's data (a minor, in this case) and then you must fill in your status as a representative (father/mother/others). Next, you must fill in your information in the second part of the form. Finally, at the time of sending the documents, you must also send the supporting document that demonstrates powers to represent (in the case of “father or mother”, the identification document and in the case of “others”, duly legalized power of attorney or judicial sentence) .

The signature will be recognized by similarity to that of the identification document sent to us.

For this reason, it is very important that the digitization is in good quality and framing.


In this case, you must select the application option (for adults or for children under 18). You must complete the form with the name of the applicant, and if you are under 18 years old, also the form of the legal representative. At the end, you will receive the NIF Online.pt Power of Attorney with the sole and exclusive purpose of attributing the NIF and tax representation, which must collect the customer's signature, together with the recognition of the signature and certification of the photocopy of the documents. Finally, you must send all documents through the system.

The average deadline for assigning the NIF is up to 10 Working days. This period starts to count on the first business day after sending the signed declaration letter in good quality and framing conditions.

It is necessary to take into account that the aforementioned period may vary due to situations beyond the control of NIF Online, as this depends on the agility of the Tax and Customs Authority (Finance)

If the password for the Portal of Finance is requested, for any reason, it is forwarded by mail to the tax representative, that is, NIF Online.pt in this case. This password will be sent by NIF Online.pt only once to the email address of the applicant registered in the account.

If the applicant misappropriates his/her password, he/she must request a new password from NIF Online.pt, via e-mail, and pay the amount of 4.90€ for the additional cost of the service.

It is important to note that the applicant must be aware of his tax obligations and the NIF Online.pt will send a notice 30 (thirty) days before the deadline to remember the tax obligation.

If the applicant fails to comply with its tax obligations up to five (5) days before the deadline, The Online.pt NIF will access the applicant's Finance Portal as tax representative and will comply with the obligation, being responsible the applicant for all expenses departing from this operation.

it depends.

NIF Online.pt reserves some guarantees regarding the beginning of the provision of its services.

Like this:

a) if the applicant has completed the application (form) until the end, but has not yet made the payment, the applicant may cancel the application at any time;

b) if the applicant filled out the application (form) and made the payment, the preparation of the necessary documents for the NIF application has already started. Therefore, if there is a request for cancellation, NIF Online.pt reserves the right to retain 20% of the amount for having started its services, refunding the amount of 80% for the cancellation;

c) if the applicant filled out the application (form), made the payment, uploaded the documents, NIF Online.pt reserves the right to retain 40% of the value for having performed part of its services, refunding the amount of 60% for the cancellation;

d) if the applicant has completed the application (form), made the payment, uploaded the documents and received the Power of Attorney, the cancellation of the request will not be refundable, considering that NIF Online.pt will have already performed 80% of the proposed services.

The assigned number is unique and definitive. The NIF paper (the printed one) is valid, as it is a paper. For this reason, the NIF has the term “Provisional Document”.

In the past, the document was issued on a Card and for that reason the same card had a longer validity. Since 2010, the NIF is no longer on cards.

As orders are placed online (e-counter), the NIF is sent in digital format (.pdf).

Sometimes the finance office is careful to print and mail it as well. In these cases, as we are the tax representative, we file the document in our files.

Whenever the NIF holder is not resident in Portugal, he / she will need a tax representative. The tax representation proposed by NIF Online.pt lasts for one year and can be renewed whenever necessary.


First, we need to clarify that we are a company that works 100% digitally, online.

For this reason, we do not have a contact phone, as this hinders the good performance and agility of our work.

Whenever the applicant has doubts he can contact NIF Online.pt by email (contato@nifonline.pt).

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Power of Attorney Letter sent Successfully!

Congratulations! Your power of attorney has been sent.
Your letter will be evaluated and we will contact you via the registered email address.

Documents sent Successfully!

Congratulations! Your documents have been sent. You will receive em 1 dia útil uma Procuração.
Após o recebimento da procuração, deverá assinar semelhante a assinatura do documento de identificação apresentado. Fazer upload da procuração assinada na guia - Enviar documentos - Procuração.

Data registered Successfully!

Congratulations! The first stage was complete. To continue the process, please, make the payment.