NIF - Tax identification number in Portugal.
What is NIF

NIF is a Consulting & Coworking company that developed a 100% online platform to assist nationals and foreigners in the obtaining the NIF (Tax Identification Number / Taxpayer Number) in Portugal.

Its office is based in Carcavelos/Cascais, where it operates only with internal and administrative services and maintains a highly qualified team to develop the services it proposes. 

Finally, it is important to say that NIF is a pioneer in the field, having national and international recognition, presenting the best cost benefit in the market. 

Create your account and request your NIF now!

What does NIF do?

The NIF assists nationals and foreigners in obtaining the NIF, including providing tax representation.

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The solution NIF was created to help people from all over the world. In view of the pandemic situation that affected the whole world, NIF bet all the chips on digital and online services.

Thus, the contacts between the NIF and their clients are developed directly by the platform, by email and chat.

In addition to the NIF, it maintains a partnership with other service providers to present a complete solution to its customers, in the scope of investments, business and individual activities, migrations, banking services, property acquisition, among others. If in doubt, be sure to ask more about the services and partners.

If you want to know more about other services and partners, fill out the form below.

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What is NIF?

The word NIF is an abbreviation for “Tax Identification Number”, Commonly called, also, Taxpayer Number. In other words, it is a sequential number intended exclusively for the treatment of tax and customs information.

To obtain the NIF, both foreigners and nationals who do not live in Portugal (live in a Third State), they need a tax representative.

This representative must necessarily be a legal or national resident Portuguese who lives in Portugal.

In quick translation, the NIF is the document that will contain all tax and financial information directly linked to the AT – Tax and Customs Authority (Finance).

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How much does the NIF cost?

Obtaining the NIF from Finance is free.

However, the NIF provides assistance in obtaining that document, given the countless difficulties that appear daily for those who require it.

The Group also offers tax representation to those interested in obtaining the taxpayer and do not know anyone who can help them.

In view of this, the NIF passes on an equivalent and proportional value to the service it offers.


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Documents sent Successfully!

Congratulations! Your documents have been sent. You will receive em 1 dia útil uma Procuração.
Após o recebimento da procuração, deverá assinar semelhante a assinatura do documento de identificação apresentado. Fazer upload da procuração assinada na guia - Enviar documentos - Procuração.

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